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I was waking on the waterfront a

I was waking on the waterfront a huge wave swept away my yorky and my White chiuahua and a little bird that was following us on our stroll I dived into the water and saved my White chihuahua the yorky managed to get on land but the little bird was nowhere to be found.

I was waking on the waterfront a

I was waking on the waterfront a huge wave swept away my yorky and my White chiuahua and a little bird that was following us on our stroll I dove into the water and saved my White chihuahua the yorky managed to get on land but the little bird was nowhere to be found.

I had a dream that I was

I had a dream that I was on a field trip to this huge game stop emporium and it had all the annoying games that say if you win you get an ipod, but when I played I won but the obly prizes to choose from were a gps some random crap and a compass that was electrical so I pickec the compass and then I stole a bunch of cards and a $30 dollar gift card that I ended up paying for because you have to activate it to use it. Then the world switched and I was climbing this huge mossy sandy rocky and crazy mountain blob thing and i uust kept climbing and then I was with three random people and we were chasing this guy and we got caught at the top of the wave and we crashed into the beach and the wave was like tsunami and then my dream jumped to me back on the mountain blob climbing the mossy and sandy part and I was collectong red and pink shiny pebbles and then i was getting swept away by a river that i fell in while looking for pebbles and then my parents were at the edge honking for me to get in the car and then I woke up

On the edge of the rocks. bringing

On the edge of the rocks. bringing second hand furniture to beavers so they can build a dam. on the other side penguins coloured bright colours green and other. a big wave comes, i know i'm going to be swept away but i don't panic. i go with the water, then get caught in a current but i go with it. i come to a house, there is furniture in the house, the windows are open it is bright, white curtains. the house is called bella.

I saw my boyfriend swept away of

I saw my boyfriend swept away of a tidal wave together with my son..but my son survive and my boyfriend still missing. i saw his name published in a newspaper still missing.